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For Sale

"Own the best to breed the best"

For Sale: Welcome

Five Corners Boers offers a variety of Fullblood Boer goats for sale which include:

  • Registered Fullblood Does and Maidens

  • Commercial Fullblood Does 

  • Registered Fullblood Bucks

  • Commercial Fullblood Bucks

Boer goat breeders and buyers are able to purchase quality, registered stock for showing, breeding and meat purposes at reasonable prices.

Enquiries are always welcome.

For Sale: About

Currently For Sale


Harvey: 5 month old Registered buck

Five Corners Harvey, is one of our top selected bucks from the 2018 drop. He has caught our attention from the day he was born and has continuously impressed us as he has grown. 

Harvey was a single kid out of Five Corners Barb and Amhale Brigandine. 

- Good feet

- Very solid and even meat distribution

- High growth rate 

- Good teats 2/2

- Sound separated horns 

- Lovely clean markings 

- Calm nature

Our products are top of the line. Contact us to learn more.

For Sale: Products
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