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Our Commercial Goats

Our commercial livestock started off with range land feral goats that would come and go within the bush lands of the property. We began mustering and selling them at a fast rate, trucking them to nearby abattoirs. At first it started out as an easy side income for the property with no goats staying more then a couple weeks with us on the farm. 
It wasn't until we decided to hold back some feral does, picking out only the white and breeding them with a full blood Boer buck as suggested by friends. 
That was the beginning of the Boer goats for Five corners. Even crossed with feral goats the amazing characteristics of the boers were clealry apparent. 
That was when we purchased our first herd of full blood commercial Boer does, and we haven't looked back since.

Commercial Goats: About
Commercial Goats: Pro Gallery
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